Submission Guidelines
- The title of the research paper should be appropriate.
- The research paper shall be original and unpublished. It must not have been submitted for consideration elsewhere.
- The paper should not be plagiarized, and free from grammatical, spelling and other errors.
- Co-authorship is allowed subject to a maximum of two.
- Full names, email id, phone numbers and designation of all the authors must be given in a separate cover letter along with the paper.
- ILI Mode of citation must be followed. However, if a uniform style of citation is followed, any other mode can also be followed.
- The body of the paper shall be in Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing. Endnotes should be in Times New Roman, size 10 single line spacing
- Page borders, headers, footers shall not be used.
- The paper shall be in MS Word Format.
The paper shall be mailed on with Subject of the mail as ‘Submission for April/November Issue’
Word Limit
We invite articles under the following categories:
- Articles: between 2500-5000 words including endnotes in ILI Format
- Short Notes: between 1000-2500 words including endnotes in ILI Format
- Book Reviews: between 1000-2000 words including endnotes in ILI Format
- Case Commentaries: between 1000-3000 words including endnotes in ILI Format
All these shall be accompanied with an Abstract of 150-200 words and 4-5 keywords.
The Journal operates without any theme but is a staunch believer of non-plagiarised work. We therefore, ask you to kindly check your work twice for originality before making submissions to us.
Submissions Deadlines
The Journal publishes articles bi-annually. We request you to kindly submit us the articles at least a month prior to the issue you wish to publish your article in.
- July Issue: Submissions must reach us by 15th of June.
- December Issue: Submissions must reach us by 15th of November.
However, articles can be submitted throughout the year. Failure to meet these deadlines, your article shall be considered for the subsequent issue.
We understand the value of your time and therefore, endeavour to revert back to you with confirmation within 15 working days. However, if due to unavoidable circumstances the time is extended, we shall inform you regarding the same.
Comments are closed.