NARCOANALYSIS – A LEGAL PROPESCTIVE [Vol 4/ Issue 2/ March 2019] [ISSN 2394-9295] Ms. Bhavya Sharma B.B.A., LL.B(H) Student, Amity Law School, Noida (U.P) Email ID: ABSTRACT Narco – investigation has been the most discussed subject among the lawful brotherhood, media and normal masses. With ongoing approach of advances in each circle of life, criminal examination is not any
NON-CONSENSUAL PENETRATION UNDER THE GARB OF MARRIAGE Vol 2/ Issue 2/ Dec 2016 [ISSN 2394-9295] CHIRAG NAYAK B.COM LLB (H), 5th Semester Amity Law School, Noida Email id- ABSTRACT “Either she cries, or she shies”. This is the unforgiving reality of the sacrosanct bond, where the wife is powerless against the coldblooded demonstrations of her better half. Poor enactment
The Beginning of a new Era – Non Traditional Marks [Vol 4/ Issue 1/ November 2018] [ISSN 2394-9295] Mr. Harshit Singh Mr. Alok Saxena Student B.B.A., LL.B (H)) Student B.B.A., LL.B (H) Amity Law School, Noida. Amity Law School, Noida. “You can’t solve a problem on the same level that it was created. You have to rise above it
SOCIO – LEGAL IMPACT OF EUTHANASIA: THE INDIAN PERSPECTIVE [Vol 4/ Issue 1/ November 2018] [ISSN 2394-9295] Ms. Tanya Saxena Mr.ManasAgrawal Student B.B.A., LL.B (H)) Student B.B.A., LL.B (H) Amity Law School, Noida. Amity Law School, Noida. Email id- Email id- Abstract “What seems to be the conundrum of the decade is to think upon the fact
ICJ OVER INTER-STATE ARBITRATION [Vol 4/ Issue 1/ November 2018] [ISSN 2394-9295] Ms. Divya Ann Samuel B.B.A., LL.B(H) Student, LL.M-International Law, University of Glasgow (U.K) Email ID: ABSTRACT There has been a major shift in the inter-state dispute resolution mechanism. Many cases have been referred to the ICJ by States. This is opposed to the earlier practice of referring
AN ENDEAVOUR FOR INCORPORATION OF RIGHT TO WORK AS FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT [Vol 4/ Issue 1/ November 2018] [ISSN 2394-9295] Ms. BhavnaBatra Dr.Chitra Singh Research Scholar, Department of Law Research Superviser, Department of Law Mewar University Chittorgarh Rajasthan Mewar University Chittorgarh Rajasthan ABSTRACT The Preamble to the Indian Constitution begins with the WE THE PROPLE and it interalia emphasizes on
Application of Alternative Dispute Resolution in solving Environmental Problems [Vol 4/Issue 1/ November 2018] [ISSN 2394-9295] Alok Verma Asstt. Professor Amity Law School, Noida Email id: ABSTRACT Environmental problems are among the most complex and challenging areas of conflict in our modern world. They can include important elements such as science, sociology, economics, history and culture, property rights and
CASE COMMENTARY: THE NJAC JUDGEMENT [Vol 3/Issue 1/ April 2017] [ISSN 2394-9295] Kislay Raj BBA LLB (H) 8th Semester Amity Law School, Noida Email id: ABSTRACT Supreme Court AOR’s V/S Union of India {W.P No (Civil)- 13 of 2015}, popularly known as NJAC judgement has led to a debate among all the pillars of the democracy. This verdict is
Role of Non-government Organizations (NGOs) in combating acid attack violence and Protecting acid attack victims: India and abroad [Vol 3/Issue 2/ March 2018] [ISSN 2394-9295] Alok Verma Asstt. Professor Amity Law School, Noida Email id: ABSTRACT Acid attack violence happens in numerous nations but is especially predominant in Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Cambodia. Even Observing that acid attack is
PRINCIPLES OF UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION & COMPLEMENTARITY- ALLIES OR ENEMIES? [Vol 3/Issue 1/ April 2017] [ISSN 2394-9295] Aastha Anu Shivani B.B.A LL.B(H),9th Semester Damodaram Sanjivayya Amity Law School, Noida National Law University Email id: Email id: ABSTRACT In intеrnаtionаl lаw, thе tеrm juriѕdiction covеrѕ thеаѕреct of а Stаtе’ѕѕovеrеignty, conѕiѕting of thеѕum of itѕ judiciаl, lеgiѕlаtivе, аnd аdminiѕtrаtivе comреtеnciеѕ. It
BRIDE TRAFFICKING: ASPECTS, CAUSES AND POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS [Vol 3/ Issue 2/ March 2018] [ISSN 2394-9295] Ms.Kalindi Saha BA., LL.B(H) ,LL.M Email id: ABSTRACT Bride trafficking is a recently developed form of trafficking. In an era where women are given the right to choose a suitable groom for themselves, there are those unfortunate ones who are forced into the practice
Legalization of Marijuana [Vol 3/ Issue 2/ March 2018] [ISSN 2394-9295] Shubham Barolia Saksham Tuli 5th Year, BA. LL.B(H) 5th Year, BA. LL.B(H) Amity Law School, Noida Amity Law School, Noida Email id: Email ABSTRACT In today’s society, marijuana or cannabis is commonly utilized by many teens and adults. Whether it is for medical reasons, socializing, obtaining a